Financováno z Fondů EHP 2014-2021



Music Lab


17. 06. 2022 | 20:30


The Show Must Go On!
Slovenská poprocková kapela TAKÝ SVET Vás pozýva na jedinečný koncert v klube Music LAB Brno.
Príďte sa zabaviť a nabiť energiou.
Zober seba, kamošov, dobrú náladu a o ostatné sa postaráme. Tešíme sa na Vás!

Taký svet is a Slovak multi-genre band, which consists of five unmistakable musicians. It’s dedicated to their own work, which is a combination of energetic music and inspirational lyrics. The band has successfully performed for one year, during which almost 30 songs of their own work has been produced. Every concert is enriched by a performance of famous songs.

Text doplnění:

The Show Must Go On!
Slovenská poprocková kapela TAKÝ SVET Vás pozýva na jedinečný koncert v klube Music LAB Brno.
Príďte sa zabaviť a nabiť energiou.
Zober seba, kamošov, dobrú náladu a o ostatné sa postaráme. Tešíme sa na Vás!

Taký svet is a Slovak multi-genre band, which consists of five unmistakable musicians. It’s dedicated to their own work, which is a combination of energetic music and inspirational lyrics. The band has successfully performed for one year, during which almost 30 songs of their own work has been produced. Every concert is enriched by a performance of famous songs.

Typ eventu:


Cena lístku:



pop, rock